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Balthazar Bakery

Balthazar Bakery

Since 1997, Balthazar Bakery has furnished breads for Keith McNally’s Parisian-inspired brasserie of the same name, and loaves, croissants and pastries for their adjoining retail shop.  Despite significant growth, they continue to bake from scratch every day of the year.  Using fine ingredients and traditional methods, they create products of uncommon character and integrity.

Balthazar’s favorite breads are large, dark-crusted loaves reminiscent of the days when communal village ovens were fired only once a week, and each family would bring its own dough to bake on the hearth.  In those times, families shaped their dough into massive rounds, knowing that because bigger loaves stay fresh longer than smaller ones, their bread would remain moist and flavorful until the oven was fired again. 

When it comes to pastries, Balthazar balances delicacy of texture with the nuanced flavors of a masterfully controlled fermentation.  They make their pastry doughs from scratch every day with high-butterfat butter from Vermont.  The fillings are prepared from real fruit, Valrhona chocolate and other fine ingredients. Balthazar offers croissants, danish, galettes, scones and their canneles are known as “small wonders.” 

This bakery requires that orders be placed 48 hours prior to requested delivery.
